Welcome to the second round of our fan-favorite March Madness tournament! In this round, check out the eight winning women in our Gaming bracket.

Lara Croft

The star of the Tomb Raider franchise is both an explorer and survivor. A trained archaeologist, Lara is highly intelligent and intellectually curious, determined to solve mysteries to which she does not know the answer. Moreover, however, she’s an incredibly skilled survivalist and warrior: proficient with a bow, shotgun, and dual pistols, Lara is a force to be reckoned with, especially when her loved ones are at risk. – Hannah Pingelton

Liara T’soni

Liara T’soni displays a sophisticated knowledge of biotics and mind sharp enough to know violence doesn’t solve everything. We see Liara transform from a timid, ethically minded researcher, to a woman warranting deep respect as she commands the galaxy’s data set. Liara T’soni does not back down, regardless of a threat’s form. – Alan Beyersdorf

Alyx Vance

One of the most important characters in the Half-Life series, Alyx Vance is the optimistic, tech-savvy travelling companion to Gordon.  She acts as a protector, often giving advice and helping dispatch enemies.  She also invented a large pet robot named Dog, and is known to make a snarky comment towards Gordon every once in a while. – Joel Wallick

Samus Aran

An acute observer, Samus Aran is equipped with tools to process her alien environments and solve ancient puzzles. Of course, Samus is equipped with an alarming arsenal as well, with abilities to morph and evade, to locking on with homing missiles, or her trademark chargeable arm cannon. Regardless of planet or ship, Aran’s intuition of environment is rival to none, and her style of destruction is elegant whenever needed. – Alan Beyersdorf


Acting as a companion to Booker, Elizabeth is the focal point of Bioshock: Infinite.  While she is not really a fighter, she keeps Booker alive by providing medical attention and using her power to rip holes in time and space to provide him with cover or robotic allies.  She possesses a child-like spirit and wonder, is incredibly smart and clever, and possesses the power to rip holes in time and space. – Joel Wallick


As the second gym leader in the first generation of Pokémon games, Misty is the first female gym leader ever!  She has appeared in over half of the main series of Pokémon games.  Paired with her prominent role in the anime (where she is portrayed as much younger), she has become one of the most recognizable gym leaders in the series. – Joel Wallick


A survivor in Left 4 Dead 2, it’s badass enough that Rochelle worked in news before the outbreak, but her ambition drives her to try and get her story after zombies start to swarm – even if it’s the last thing she does. As a journalist myself, I can admire her drive, and as a geek, I’m a little in danger of falling for her zombie-destroying awesomeness. – Feliza Casano

The Boss

High-ranking officer, combat expert, leader of several organizations, and trainer of Naked Snake, The Boss, one of her many aliases, was the embodiment of war, the perfect solider, and one of the most complex characters in the entire Metal Gear series. Highly intelligent and skilled, The Boss desired for peace, but was so loyal to her country, she sacrificed everything for her mission, even her own life which was forfeited solely because she allowed it to be for a cause she believed in. – Lorraine Acevedo Franqui